Devils Disguised As Angels

The #Qatargate scandal has caused more damage than upsetting the values of the EU.  In using non-profit and charitable organizations to undertake money laundering and criminal activities, that have also impacted the trust that people have in the real charitable organizations that actually do good in this world. 


There are millions of non-profit organizations in the world, some part of large corporations, labelled as foundations, some used to syphon off profits and a small handful that struggle to make an impact on the world, helping those most in need.  Many airlines run a collection on their flights saying it is for their charity and at the end of the year, Airlines announce that they donated €2M to so many causes, nowhere is it mentioned that the airline itself did not contribute a single cent to the charity, it was all from its passengers.  

It’s sad that most non-profit organizations (NPOs) have become ashamed of using this description when reaching out to supporters and community leaders, in fear of being ask, “how much cash do you have in your suitcase?”, “how much of this money is going to you and how much is going to be used for the causes you say you support?”

Firstly, what most people don’t realize is that although an NPO is non-profit, it simply means that its profits are not distributed to its members or shareholders.  Of course, any company or organization needs to make a profit, or else it won’t be sustainable.  The difference is that any profits need to be distributed to the causes that organizations support.  Part of the profits will go to cover staffing and office expenses, but they are not supposed to fund private jets or holiday villas in Cannes. 

With so many scandals associated with NPOs, like Qatargate, it has become almost impossible for real NPOs to get support, raise awareness, and even offer support to those in need.  It’s a shame though as some of them have really made a difference in our world, from supporting youth in education, supporting families in need, protecting the environment and so much more.  Many NPOs get the door slammed in their faces as soon as they say they are NPOs or charities.  It’s ironic though that in most countries, legislation forbids NPOs from undertaking commercial activities, so they have no choice other than to ask for money from the community or any national or internationally funded programs.

We have seen many charitable organizations transform into Social Enterprises, similar in nature to NPO, but these undertake some commercial activity to raise funds, in some countries legislation defines a social enterprise as a company that donates 50% of its profits to social causes, while other countries allow them to donate or utilize all their profits on social causes. is a social enterprise owned and operated by OTI Group, another social enterprise.  Being the largest truly European Job Portal, all profits from are donated to OTI Group and these funds are used to support different causes from community to environmental initiatives, with new social enterprises being developed and established to overcome problems in education and employment.  It hasn’t been an easy road to support all the initiatives, however, the community does support the causes indirectly, by receiving a service in exchange for their contribution.  OTI Group owns and manages a large portfolio of social enterprises, all of which contribute all of their profits to social causes.

While the devils behind NPOs fund corrupt politicians, criminals who launder money and who knows what else, there are a few angels left in this world, that do good work, it is worth investigating the NPOs you support, to make sure your contributions are helping the people in need, rather than buying expensive assets for those who are in power.

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